Board Member Spotlight: Harold Nungester – Board President
Tell us a little about your business/organization.
“H.I.S. Home for Children is a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization in Haiti developed to minister to orphaned, abandoned and special needs children and young adults by providing a Christian home offering an environment intended to nurture primarily the spiritual, as well as the physical, educational, and emotional needs of the children in our care.”
How long have you had your business/organization?
“We received our 501(c)3 approval in July of 1999.”
What made you start your business?
“My wife, Chris, and I, saw the desperate need for care of orphaned and/or abandoned children in the Nation of Haiti during a couple of exploratory visits in the late 1990’s.”
Why have you joined the WOCC board?
“We felt the need for a stronger CHRISTIAN influence among the businesses in West Central Ohio.”
What are your thoughts/feelings on how the WOCC impacts kingdom commerce and our communities?
“I feel that the WOCC is a beacon of Spiritual light in a much larger business community that seems to displace God with a reliance on business acumen that many times either denies the existence of God or just ignores Him and His principles of how we are to treat each other.”
Give us a testimony either about yourself or your business/organization.
“I, personally, accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in May of 1968 at the age of 11 during a revival service at Cridersville Free Methodist Church being conducted by Reverend Roy Johnson of Spencerville. I was brought up in a Christian home and knew about Jesus from my earliest Childhood. My mom, Miriam Nungester, had been discussing the book of Revelation with my brother, Paul, and I. When Pastor Johnson gave the altar call that evening, Paul and I literally raced to the front. While NEVER claiming perfection, I have strived to be more like my Lord and Savior since then. Our mission was founded by my Wife, Chris, and I to try and fulfill the Great Commission to Go into ALL the world and make disciples for Jesus Christ.”