Board Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Point – WOCC Board Treasurer
Tell us a little about yourself and your role with the WOCC.
“I graduated from Bath High School and went to Rhodes States College where I graduated with an Associated Degree in Accounting. I have worked in the Lima area for over 40+ years in various accounting positions. I am married to Tammy Point, and we have 4 children and 2 grandchildren. I am currently on the Executive Board for the West Ohio Christian Chamber of Commerce as the Treasurer.”
Why have you joined the WOCC board?
“My wife Tammy and I joined WOCC as a means of connecting with fellow Christian Business Owners and were excited to be on the ground floor for the start of this organization. Tammy owns her own health care business and my primary role in the business is as her financial advisor and assisting in financial operations.”
Tell us about your run for Elida school board.
“In May of this year after attending one of our School Board meetings for the Elida Local Schools I was appalled at the Elida Local Schools allowing Biological Male or Female students to use the bathroom of their choice based upon their sexual identity. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” God’s word is very clear in that there are only 2 genders Male & Female. Anyone who states that they do not identify with their biological sex is mocking God. Our Local School Board and Administration have violated the rights of all students by allowing this Bathroom Policy and have turned a blind eye to the community and voting constituents of the Elida Local School District. After thoughtful prayer I decided that God was calling me to run for the school. I am trusting that God will direct and guide my steps along this path.”
What are your thoughts/feelings on how the WOCC impacts kingdom commerce and our communities?
“I believe the WOCC impacts Kingdom commerce in the local community by bringing Christian business owners together to learn first from each other by interacting with fellow Christians. Sometimes we may think we are the only ones experiencing problems in our business life or maybe within our personal lives however, when we get together with like-minded men and women who share the same Christian beliefs and interact and fellowship together, we realize we are not alone and can share and help each other.”